Relay Team specializes in strategic communications and crisis management, community relations and public affairs, and political campaigns.

Jeff Millman runs Relay Team.


VP and Chief Communications Officer, LA 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Committee

Campaign Manager, US Senator Dianne Feinstein

Chief Strategist, LA Mayor Eric Garcetti

General Consultant, Robert Luna for LA County Sheriff

General Consultant, Yes on Measure HLA


Jeff Millman is an advisor to high profile companies, nonprofits, government agencies, sports properties and political campaigns. In recent election cycles, he oversaw the campaign to pass Measure HLA to improve mobility and street safety in the City of Los Angeles and Robert Luna’s successful campaign for Los Angeles County Sheriff.

Millman previously served as Chief Strategist for Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and oversaw the communications and legal teams at City Hall. He took a lead role in LA's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, supervising all emergency orders and communications for the City.

Millman was US Senator Dianne Feinstein's Campaign Manager for her victorious 2018 campaign. From 2015-2018, he was Vice President and Chief Communications Officer for the LA 2028 Olympic bid committee, which won the right for the United States to host the summer Olympic Games.

Prior to joining the LA Olympic committee, Millman was Senior Advisor to Mayor Garcetti, serving as his primary spokesperson at City Hall and his communications director in his 2013 mayoral campaign.

In addition, Millman has been a communications strategist for more than a dozen prominent political clients, including Senator Hillary Clinton, Senator Barbara Boxer, Governor Gray Davis, Los Angeles Mayor Jim Hahn, the California Democratic Party, Congresswoman Lois Capps, Los Angeles City Controller Ron Galperin, several statewide ballot measures, local candidates and non-profits.

Millman earned his bachelors from the University of Pennsylvania and law degree from Southwestern. He is a native Angeleno.